This is an archived event from 2023

This event was for a previous festival. If you are looking for the next festival please find all of the events on this page.

London Calling

Over 18s only
Sunday June 4th 2023
Start Time: 18:00
Duration: 1.5 Hours Approx
> Spoken Word
About London Calling

Did you go over on a Slattery’s bus? were you on the mail train to Euston? or were you the Ryan Air generation? Did you stand out on the Broadway or work the factories or hospitals ? Construction , nursing , care work or dodgy dealings? Indoors or outdoors? Irish jobs or did you spend time with people from everywhere?

Did you drink in the elephant or dance in the national or Camden town? .Was your music trad , country or punk ?Were you there for the craic and the freedom or was it because you needed work ?

Did it go well or was it all too much? Were you glad to leave?

Why did you come back and what was that like?

Did you grow up there and live here now ?

If you spent time in London K-FEST would love to hear from you Have you a yarn a song or a memory form your time Over/ Sunday- gradys 6.00

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