This is an archived event from 2022

This event was for a previous festival. If you are looking for the next festival please find all of the events on this page.

Print Making Workshop with Aoife Claffey

Sunday June 5th 2022
Start Time: 14:30
Duration: 1.5hours Approx
> Workshop
About Print Making Workshop with Aoife Claffey
Sign up for this event to learn how to create impression monoprints, relief lino prints as well as learning how to create a personalised screen-print onto your very own K-Fest tote bag. Lino Printing, or linocut, is a printmaking technique, and one of the most used in ‘Relief’ printmaking. At this K-fest workshop you will learn how to carve your images into a linoleum plate using special printmaking tools and then proceed to ink and print your very own designs. By the end of the workshop participants will have learned about the printing process and various printing techniques. More importantly they will bring home with them a personalised tote bag and a wide range of monoprints and lino prints made on quality paper cards. All workshop materials ink, card, tools, plates, tote bag are included in the price of the workshop. Book Now to avoid disappointment – max 20 participants
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