This is an archived event from 2022

This event was for a previous festival. If you are looking for the next festival please find all of the events on this page.

Punch and Judy Show

Sunday June 5th 2022
Start Time: 15:00
Duration: 1Hour Approx
> Puppets
About Punch and Judy Show
The main characters are Punch, who just wants to head off with the dads at the party, to see the football match. Then there’s Judy, who wants to go out with the mums to get a surprise! She tells Punch that he has to stay and mind the “lovely” Baby! Punch is not too impressed with this. However he still decides to head off with the dads (after when Judy has left of course – brave lad our Punch is). But he has to leave Baby in the care of someone, that would be the right thing to do…
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